
Time to update this shit. Today is Ashraf's bdae, went to lepak with him at IITS. Waited for Ariff for like..1 hour? WTF..come so late. Even Suratman who came down from East Coast is much earlier then him. Later Nicholas and Syakir came to meet us also. Went to play pool and spend the rest of the time at mac chilling. ARGH!! fuck man, life sucks without handphone. Starhub fucking suspended my card and take away all my balance in da card cuz i neber register..nonsense sia. So people, don't be a dumbass and call or msg me and hoping i will reply. Anyway, tomorrow gotta go back to school for chem and maths..boring sia. Don't understand shit about chem man gotta work hard already. My O level mother tongue is kinda screwed up, think i gotta retake. Shit. Aight, update til here. Before i go, happy bdae ashraf! Chiao all


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