alright..its the time of the year again..its CNY!! hahahaha..for you idiots hu dunno wat CNY means Chinese New aniwae..this year's CNY sucks man..damn boring..disappointed..hopefully next year would be a better one..ok..enough of CNY..lets see..wat happen these few daes..hmm..nuthing much actually..except for todae..went to skate at ap..blah blah blah..injured here injured there..went home around 1130 at home rottin in front of the comp blogging abt nonsense..hahaha..haiz..damn stress ar..homework alot sia..i dun even noe whether wanna do sucks..teachers sucks..homework sucks..argh!! so aniwae..goin to JB this cuming sat wif sum idiots la..i dunno hu also..looking forward to it man..hopefully got sum stupid shit happen la..hahaha..ok la..thats it for todae..when got shit to blog then blog again la..chiao all..peace :D
(red font colour to so that got the CNY mood hahaha)
(red font colour to so that got the CNY mood hahaha)
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